Many Americans complain about how or government has entered into our homes in regards to how we discipline -our children,its being called child abuse.There are many forms of abuse my argument is back in the 60,70. parents; were able to discipline. with out your child telling you mom if you spank me .I will call 911.The government has no place in our homes to Tell us how we should discipline our children many youth has fallen threw the cracks based on; The fact tthat our government is not allowing us as parents to do what we need to do for our children everything is Done in the best interest of the child . I strongly dis agree with the system the way they have power on what can be done in my own home or with my child ; In conclusion government has no place in. Americans homes when it comes to discipline, your child no one should have more authority other than the biolocail parents three strong facts that .I would like to point out is the first is that a child voice should always be herd thats the secondt rule ,weathwer child is telling a lie or the truth every thing must be looked at. as if 'this child is telling the truth and the third it is imperative to investgate many untruths rather than allowing a child to be harm by disbeilf.
The point of your argument is stated but your supporting points are unclear. Your thoughts are a bit jumbled. Reread your post and I think you'll be able to note sentences that are a bit unclear.